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Instructor, Studio Director, + Training Lead

Traci teaches and is a part of the front desk team at Elite Nation Wellness. She brings incredible energy to her classes and loves sharing new and exciting music in her classes, paired with fun and challenging choreography - truly a dance party on a bike! Her favorite part about instructing: seeing people leave class “happier, stronger, better than when they walked in.” Traci is a mom to 2 and lives with her family in Sandwich.  

Elite Nation is...truly a community. Every person, whether its an instructor, a new client, a veteran client, the owner, everyone, is cheering each other on and wants to see others succeed.

Favorite class move...the ultimate dance move, CORNERS!

Guilty Pleasure...watching the Bachelor (and any & all spin-offs) with a bowl of Smartfood and a glass, or a few :), of wine! 

 Favorite day-off activity...spending time outside with my kids. Whether its the beach, the playground, or going on a walk, I love getting some fresh air and enjoying the seasons!

Favorite quote...”Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react.”

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